
The Camera position and orientation can be set through ThreeDFrame:setCamera and read from We can set all values at once:
ThreeDFrame:setCamera(x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ)
Or update only the position of the camera by not specifying the orientation:
ThreeDFrame:setCamera(x, y, z)
Or we can read from and update only one value to rotate the camera horizontally:
ThreeDFrame:setCamera(nil, nil, nil, nil,[5] + 90, nil)
Alternatively we can keep track of our own camera and set the ThreeDFrame camera to those values:
local camera = {
  x = 1, -- x
  y = 10, -- y
  z = 1, -- z
  rotX = 0, -- rotation around x axis
  rotY = 0, -- rotation around y axis
  rotZ = 0, -- rotation around z axis

-- set values one by one
ThreeDFrame:setCamera(camera.x, camera.y, camera.z,
	camera.rotX, camera.rotY, camera.rotZ)

-- pass the camera
Finally, we can change the field of view using ThreeDFrame:setFoV.
ThreeDFrame:setFoV(60) -- 60 degrees